The browser mimics the look of the system to seem like an integrated part which you’ll appreciate, no matter which Linux distribution you’re using. QupZilla is available not only for the various Linux distributions but also for other operating systems. QupZilla is based on the based on QtWebEngine which implements some of Chromium’s API into Qt while leaving aside unnecessary parts like the auxiliary services which communicate with Google.

This is another light-weight open source web browser with a built-in ad-blocker. You can download the Tor browser for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Android from the official page linked below. Some people may advise you to not use Tor because only criminals need it, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. It is still possible to know one of these two, but not both. This may sound familiar to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle but it prevents anyone from knowing both your location and the content you’re viewing. Tor hides the source and destination of your Internet traffic. The network is used to avoid tracking and censorship by governments or another organization. It’s a privacy-focused open source web browser which is essentially an older Firefox, made to use the Tor anonymity network. If you’ve ever done extensive research on the available non-Chromium web browsers for Linux, the name Tor Browser may have appeared somewhere. Just like Tor, the Midori browser is available for all major platforms like Linux, Windows, and Android.